Monday, January 31, 2011

Have I learned anything new about myself?

Recently, in terms of my college life, I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that I need to manage my time more wisely and I need to start waking up earlier and eat breakfast since i always get hungry throughout the day. I have also learned that i have to multitask a bit better, study more, and I need to always be ahead of my homework so i don't get behind. In terms of my personal life, I've learned a few things about myself. I realized during the middle of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 that i have to be more family orientated. I haven't been as close to my family as i was before because i have been so busy with many things. The start of the new year made me learn that i need to hone my skills of music and sports. I can't just forget about tennis and piano, both these things have made up almost all of my life. I feel that the my second semester of college is going more smoothly than the first. My personal life in regards to my abilities and talents needs a bit more work.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

College vs High School

Being in High school for four years, I can honestly say that I haven't noticed many differences between my college experience so far and my high school experience. Probably because i don't live on campus? There isn't a difference between the amount of work from college and high school. I took honors and AP courses during my high school stint and i had much work. There isn't a noticeable difference in syllabi as well. A big difference i have noticed though are the assignments. My professors haven't given me a lot of written work but a lot of reading work. I've been reading a lot since my first day in college. College is also a bit more spacial then high school. I come from a very crowded high school and having a lot of room and space is a good thing. Actually, one of the biggest differences between high school and college is freedom. College Freedom > High school Freedom.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ooey: How does he read?

Reading isn't my thing but when i do read i try to read in an extremely quiet environment. I also try to stay alone when i read something I'm interested in. I hate having distractions because i stay on the same page and on the same sentence for 10 minutes and i can never concentrate. I tend to read at night because that's the only time of the day that i can read. I also tend to read in my bedroom. I don't really have any special techniques to help me read. I just read the book and that's it. If I'm in the mood to read a book and the book is interesting I'll read and I'll probably finish it in less than a day or two.

Stockton College: What do i expect from this place?

Stockton College. What i expect from this college and probably any other college is a degree. A degree to aid me in getting a job and to help me make a living. I didn't really expect anything else from Stockton because i didn't really want to go here. My first choice was Rutgers but i felt extremely bad for my parents because they didn't have much money for me to go there. My parents and myself would have to take out loans and i knew that it would have caused a burden on my family. Although Stockton wasn't my first choice I'm trying to make the best of it. I'm expecting to meet new people at Stockton and expecting to get some sort of degree to help me in life. Probably everyone expects this from every college but it's kind of hard to expect things from a place that you didn't want to be in or a place you didn't want to go to.