Sunday, April 10, 2011

Classifying books

My system for classifying books in a book store would go a little something like this. The section would be titled "Words" instead of attention span and the subsections would be, none, too little, a good amount, too much, and don't even bother. The "none" section would include picture books, specifically art books and things for artists. "Too little" would most likely be the kids section which would include short stories and all other short books that kids like to read. The "Good amount" section would basically be my kind of section and it would include a lot of books that are less than 400 -500  pages like A Series of Unfortunate events, or Great Gatsby, or Catcher in the Rye. The "Too much" would include the Harry 'Potter series, Lord of the Rings, and those Narnia Books. I'm not really into that whole mythical thing. "Don't even bother," would include all those extremely long books that no one would ever be able to get through. I read through some of War and Peace but it was just too long for me. I didn't have the patience to finish a 1000 something page book.

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